Catégorie : North America
Lorsque des politiques américains veulent la reconnaissance d’un groupe terroriste pour lutter contre l’Iran – article en anglais
Likely victory for MeK shills. Former U.S. officials, paid to advocate for a designated Terror group, are now on the verge of succeeding. A bipartisan band of former Washington officials and politicians has spent the last two years aggressively advocating on behalf of the Mujahedin-e Khalq (MeK), an Iranian dissident group that has been formally designated…
US Congress Endorses ‘Indefinite Detention’ Policy
The US House of Representatives this morning endorsed the policy of indefinite detention without trial of terrorist suspects, including US citizens seized on American soil, by failing to pass an amendment that would halt the practice. The final vote to defeat the amendment — part of the 2012 National Defense Authorization ACt (NDAA) — was…
Insider trading 9/11 … the facts laid bare
Is there any truth in the allegations that informed circles made substantial profits in the financial markets in connection to the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, on the United States? Arguably, the best place to start is by examining put options, which occurred around Tuesday, September 11, 2001, to an abnormal extent, and at…
Saudi Arabia May Be Tied to 9/11, 2 Ex-Senators Say
Now, in sworn statements that seem likely to reignite the debate, two former senators who were privy to top secret information on the Saudis’ activities say they believe that the Saudi government might have played a direct role in the terrorist attacks. « I am convinced that there was a direct line between at least some…
9/11: Resume of Events from 27 October to 27 November 2003
• Eminent American senators (including Democrate Joseph I. Lieberman, and Republicain John McCain) have requested that the White House cooperate more actively with the Congessional Commission investigating the September 11th terrorist attacks. They have asked the White House to provide the Commission with the entirety of the documents that have been requested, including numerous documents…
9/11: Resume of events from 21 May to 6 June 2003
• Numerous American personalities, including 2 important democratic senators (Bob Graham and Jospeh Lieberman) accuse the Bush Administration of doing everything in its power to prevent the proper functioning of the investigation into 11th of September by the American Congress. They demand the formation of a truly independent parliamentary commission with large investigative powers (The…